
“Chaos as an antithesis is not complete and utter chaos , but a locally determined concept relating to the concept of the cosmos. Utter chaos can never be put on a scale, but will remain forever unweighable and unmeasurable. It can be Nothing or a dormant Something, death or birth, according to dominance of will or lack of will, of willing or not willing. The pictorial symbol for this ‘non-concept’ is the point that is really not a point, the mathematical point. The nowhere-existent something or the something-existent nothing is a non-conceptual concept of freedom from opposition. If we express it in terms of the perceptible (as though drawing up a balance sheet of chaos), we arrive at the concept grey, at the fateful point between coming-into-being and passing-away; the grey point. The point is grey because it is neither white nor black because it is white and black at the same time. It is grey because it is neither up nor down or because it is both up and down. It is grey because it is neither hot nor cold; it is grey because it is a non-dimensional point, a point between dimensions.”
Paul Klee.
under erasure! :-)

jliat - now thats what i call noise
each LP contains 8 tracks of ? 3.58 minutes-

AVAILABLE AS CDRs - IN SLEEVE - TO SUBSCRIBE TO 12 ISSUES (YEAR 2) £20.00 for 12 issues includes P&P - CLICK ON LINK BELOW or email..

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Fowler remix 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12=13+

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"If the world were clear, art would not exist." Camus relates the problem of living with absurdity, and specially the problem of suicide, which is in his thinking a crucial problem unlike any other concept. As the consequences for the author of any other theory do not appear as significant. The absurd is such - and in such a world the only rational step would be suicide, establishing a rationality, sensibility, reason, motive. However if creation is absurd - so must be the artist - or absurd non-artist - negator of everything which has explanation - and so music becomes noise - not an experiment but an endless absurd creation-